Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Family Photos


We bought a new camera a few weeks ago...finally. Our old one was three years old (we got it just before Owen was born). It had been through Marine Land (splashed by Whales), beach trips (sand in the lens and grooves) and more. It still works, but it was starting the literally fall apart.

As usual we decided on a Canon. We researched others, but we came back to the PowerShot. It is our third Canon Powershot, our first was years ago when 2.2 megapixels was the hot technology and cost over $500. This lovely camera cost $200 and has 8 Megapixels with a 6x Optical Zoom.  It also has Image Stabilization and Facial Recognition. The only feature we will miss from its predecessor is the flip screen which Canon has removed in its lower-priced Powershot cameras.  We will need to keep the camera in a case to avoid scratching the display screen from now on. 

I hope this Canon will do as well as the others did for us. The only downside is that the camera battery light goes on long before the battery is actually low. But, it certainly takes good pictures of our family.



1 comment:

Janice @ Mom On The Run said...

I love, love, love Canon cameras! We have one 5mp, 12x optical zoom